Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Brochure

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

On the Eiderstedt peninsula, near St. Peter Ording, fifteen individually designed holiday flats are being built in the historic “Old School” building in Westerhever. The accompanying sales brochure presents the project with the most important facts and floor plans and reflects the flair of the landscape and the style of the flats.

The cover made of coloured cardboard in soft green with blind embossing provides the first haptic experience. The photos of the surroundings were specially produced and show panoramic views of the expanse of meadows and the Wadden Sea. The pale shades of blue, beige and green pick up on the colours of the interior design, which is illustrated by 3D visualisations. The “chalk” typography for highlights and the logo lettering are reminiscent of the original function of the building, the village school.

Logo, Editorial Design
Kourou GmbH

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre

Alte Schule Westerhever — Sales Broschüre