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Kitzig Design Studios offer the perfect combination of interior design, architecture, branding and communication from a single source. The teams apply an interdisciplinary approach and develop comprehensive design solutions in each of these areas for clients all over the world.

The focus of each project is always on striking the perfect balance between functionality, aesthetics and individuality. No matter what the team at Kitzig Design Studios comes up with, it has to match the people involved and their specific requirements, and may therefore be loud or quiet, reserved or extrovert. However, sustainability, authenticity, progress and the aim of a pleasing end result are always incorporated into all processes. Company founder Olaf Kitzig: "Keeping an eye open for new influences, people and their needs is incredibly important to us. We also consciously push boundaries, as something new can only evolve if we go beyond them." Thanks to this philosophy, Kitzig Design Studios has been one of Europe's leading design studios for over 25 years, a fact proven by the numerous awards we have won for our work and our countless satisfied clients from the hotel and hospitality industry, the healthcare and business premise development sector, the retail sector and many home owners.


We combine design and architecture with our passion for the turbulent and the quiet life, the peace and beauty in our world, which is so interconnected and yet so vulnerable.
Together with you, we aim to create a unique world, with values such as sustainability, authenticity, advancement and sensuousness.

Olaf Kitzig founder and CEO


For over 25 years, we have been realising projects worldwide in our offices in four cities.









Our DNA in 80 seconds

Interior Design

All of our design concepts are aimed at giving interiors a soul. People must be able to feel and experience spaces – and the interior design must make a decisive contribution to this. For us, a successful concept is therefore much more than just filling a space surrounded by four walls: It must inspire emotions, tell a story and also cleverly combine aesthetics and functionality. We never approach the end result with a set concept in mind but continuously engage with the location, space and personalities of the people involved. We incorporate local, historic, geographical or cultural references; our concepts are therefore more than just blueprints – they're authentic. When we realise projects, we take the specifications provided by our clients on board but also set new international benchmarks. Our expertise ranges from new property development projects to the refurbishment or renovation of existing buildings and considerate listed building conversions.

our clients

Whether small or large, national or international: Our clients are as unique as the designs we develop for them. Many of them have already put their trust in our work for many years. Our cooperation approach always focuses on collaboration and joint project development. Making our clients happy is the essence of our business.


Together with the interior design, brand design creates a cohesive brand image. Combining the two disciplines facilitates a flowing transition from architecture to branding. We cover the entire corporate identity realisation process, from the initial concept and the actual design to a detailed realisation plan. We always begin by searching for what defines the core of each brand, and then come up with customised strategy as well as design solutions. We develop the visual imagery (print and online) in parallel to the design of spaces, and attach equal importance to it. The ultimate aim is always a comprehensive design concept.


We are here for you.
Contact us without obligation.


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Holzoberflächen, weiche Stoffbezüge und erdige Farben machen das Hotelzimmer zu einem gemütlichen Rückzugsort. ⁠
Wooden surfaces, soft fabric upholstery and earthy colours make the hotel room a cosy retreat. ⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #hoteldesign #luxuryhotel #hotelroomgoals #moderninterior #hotelinteriors #boutiquehotel #roomwithaview #hospitalitydesign #designlover #travelinstyle #luxuryinteriors #hotelvibes #minimalistdesign #interiorinspo
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Neues Interior Design – neues Brand Design. Im Zuge der Realisierung des dritten Bauabschnitts erhielt das traditionsreiche Hotel Stadt Kassel an der Weser ein neues Erscheinungsbild.⁠
Die Grundtöne des Corporate Designs greifen die Farbgestaltung des Hotels und der Gastronomie auf und verbinden alles zu einem einheitlichen Gesamtauftritt.⁠
New interior design - new brand design. As part of the realisation of the third construction phase, the traditional Hotel Stadt Kassel on the Weser was given a new look.⁠
The basic tones of the corporate design pick up on the colour scheme of the hotel and the gastronomy and combine everything into a uniform overall appearance.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design & Kitzig Identities⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #kitzigidentities #hotelstadtkassel #kassel #hotel #restaurant #fachwerk #corporatedesign #branddesign #foodcourt #restaurantdesign #hospitalityconsulting #hospitalityinvest #hospitalitydevelopment
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Die Hotellage direkt am Kanalufer und die umgebenden Parks sind Leitbilder der Gestaltung und finden sich in Farben, Materialien, Mustern und Dekorationen wieder.⁠
The hotel‘s location directly on the banks of the canal and the surrounding parks are the guiding principles of the design and are reflected in the colours, materials, patterns and decorations.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #hotelconsulting #hotelbrand #hotelinvest #hoteldevelopment #hospitality #revitalisation #hoteldesign
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Der Frühling kommt und wir freuen uns, die sonnigen Stunden in lauschigen Gartenplätzen zu genießen. Mit Sundowner auf der Terrasse mit Blick auf den Rhein oder mit spannender Lektüre im Baumschatten.⁠
Spring is coming and we are looking forward to enjoying the sunny hours in cosy garden spots. With a sundowner on the terrace with a view of the Rhine or with an exciting read in the shade of the trees.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #designconcept #design #lifestyle #luxury #project #relax #luxurylifestyle #architecture #theflat #theflatgarden #garden #exterior #weeekend #sun #enjoy ⁠
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Die Hanglage des neu erbauten Wohnhauses und die Architektur mit den großzügigen Fensterfronten ermöglichen zahlreiche Panoramaausblicke bis zum UG, die durch die Einrichtung und Ausrichtung des Interior Design unterstrichen werden.⁠
The hillside location of the newly built residential building and the architecture with its generous window fronts allow numerous panoramic views down to the basement, which are emphasised by the furnishings and orientation of the interior design.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #designconcept #homeinspo #homedecor #interiorlovers #interiorinspo #homestyling #modernhome #cozyhome #dreamhome #interiorgoals #homevibes
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Elegante Pools treffen auf stilvolle Innenarchitektur – eine perfekte Kombination aus Design und Entspannung. Ob minimalistisch, modern oder luxuriös – jeder Pool hat seinen ganz eigenen Charme.⁠
Elegant pools meet stylish interior design - a perfect combination of design and relaxation. Whether minimalist, modern or luxurious - every pool has its very own charm.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #hotelconsulting #hotelbrand #hotelinvest #hoteldevelopment #hospitality #revitalisation #hoteldesign #pools #swimming #spaday #pooldesign